Field Trip/Book Club/Activity Sign Ups
Valentine's Party Feb 10
Our Valentine's Party is right around the corner, on the morning of Monday, February 10th at 10:00, at our next THRIVE meeting! ALL students are encouraged to participate. In the past, high school students have enjoyed this activity as well.
We'd like to have an early deadline to sign up for the Valentine Exchange to give families time to purchase (or create) valentines for everyone. If your child/ren plan to be a part of the Valentine Exchange, please click on the link below for more information and to sign up! Many students enjoy making and showing off their creative boxes for their valentines to be placed in, but a simple gift bag or bowl with your child's name on it will work too!
You can choose to only give out one valentine from your entire family, just be sure to have enough to give one to each child that is participating in the exchange. You can also address them to each person, or leave the "to" field blank.
We plan to have the exchange completed before lunch so families that need to leave can take their valentines with them.
Sign up deadline is Monday, January 27th, so sign up today!!
Kid Book Clubs
We have two kid Book Club options. Come to any book club months that work for you or you are interested in the book - no need to commit to the whole year. Book clubs will typically meet the 3rd Monday of each month, with a couple of exceptions.
We have homeschool mom leaders for two book clubs so far - grades 4-7 independent readers and grades 8-12.
Most meetings will be the 3rd Monday of the month (with a couple of exceptions) and will take place at the Chippewa Falls Public Library. Future dates: Feb 10, March 17, April 21, May 19.
Grades 4-7 Independent Readers will read "Glitch" by Laura Martin. Read the whole book and come ready to discuss it on Monday, Feb 10 (same day as Thrive) at 2:00 at the Chippewa Falls Public Library.
Grades 8-12 Teen Book Club will read the book, "The Traitor's Game" by Jennifer Nielsen. Read the whole book and come ready to discuss on Monday, Feb 10 (same day as Thrive) at 2:00 at the Chippewa Falls Public Library. Amber's email is if you have any questions.
These are great opportunities to give your kids the joy of discussing a book and its characters with peers.
A snack to share is welcome, but the library asks for no nut products.
General Field Trip Plans
We will have at least one Field Trip per month. We will also try to go to a park or something nearby to keep having fun together after the field trip if it is a shorter one. Feel free to organize more! Sign ups will be on the website here.
Field trips will likely be on a Friday or the 1st or 4th Monday of the month.
Field Trip Plans (subject to change) for 2024/25 Year:
Sept: Historic Fort Snelling Tour
Oct: Eau Claire Airport tour and/or National Guard Armory tour
Nov: CVTC Manufacturing Facility/Machine Shop tour
Dec: Darley Tour and Fire Museum (manufacturer of fire trucks and military vehicles)
Jan: Micon Theater tour and movie
Feb: WEAU13 News Station tour
March: Courthouse and jail tour
April: Ages 10+ First Strike Paintball
Ages 10 and under, Festival Foods tour
May: Pioneer Village